Tuesday, October 20, 2009

hamburger cupcakes

inspiration and tutorial at bakerella

Friday, October 09, 2009

emma, zach, & lyla's cake

this is one of those cakes where all three kids wanted to "help" to decorate it! red velvet & chocolate fudge checkerboard inside, buttercream frosting and m&m polka dots.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


here's the finished cake, after the mom placed the candles and flowers! what a fun idea for a birthday - they had pony rides and everything. happy birthday lakin!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

cowgirl cake

i used a new fondant recipe for this cake - and loved it! nothing fancy, melt marshmallows with water and lemon juice, then add in flavorings, corn syrup and powdered sugar. i did have a little cracking but the horse wasn't completely hardened.

this cake also has flowers on coiled wire to be placed in the top, but it had to travel to it's new home first. the horse is grey because that's what sparkle (the birthday girl's present) looks like. the party sounds fun with stick ponies to decorate and real horsie rides.